Recycle, re-use, renew!

Here at Work and Play, we take our recycling very seriously. That's why we love it when a story like this comes along!
Last year, Body Action Campaign, one of our wonderful members, came to us for materials to make a fairy-tale castle.
As you can see, the finished art-work was nothing short of amazing, but the story doesn't end there.

Not wanting the castle to go to waste, BAC kindly re-donated it back to Work and Play, where we put it on display proudly.
While on show, in pride of place at the front of the Scrapstore, it was spotted by another member, Bridge Lane Nursery, who asked if they could have it.
Both Work and Play and BAC were thrilled at the thought of the castle having a new life, giving more pleasure to children.

We'll have to wait and see if this is the last home for the castle, but it goes to show that almost everything can be re-used, even after its original purpose has passed!