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Looking out for Tooting

On 11 April, our Chris and Teresa were really thrilled to join over 20 varied local groups in attending Transition Town’s Looking Out For Tooting, a workshop designed to 'celebrate the people and groups that care for Tooting and its future'.

After we all introduced ourselves, we were given a blackboard on which we had to write one thing we thought would make a place nice to live in, and we suggested ‘open spaces’. We then split into groups of about five people, each led by someone from TTT, and were given an envelope with a mission, just like Mission Impossible! Our task was ‘to find the special in the ordinary’, a task we took to with gusto!

LofT invitation image.jpg

We walked through Tooting, and were introduced to a lot of people contributing to the communal feel of Tooting Market and discovered what a hive of activity it is! And speaking of hives, we were very excited to find the beehives tended by the Friends of Streatham Cemetery, who have completely rejuvenated the area.

We had an amazing day, met a lot of great people and discovered all about the local area.

Check out Transition Town Tooting’s own blog about it here.

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