Opportunities at Work and Play Scrapstore

Membership Information
General Membership Information
For an annual fee (see below), you can visit us to collect materials as many times as you like within the membership year. You can join at any time during the year.
New Members
Please follow the steps below. You can contact us if you need any help.
Choose your membership category:
1. Individual. For an individual membership, you can apply for Individual, Artist, or Student.
Student Membership will require proof of current valid student I.D.
2. Group. For a Group membership, estimate the number of people in your organisation or group who will use our materials once or more over the year. We call these ‘end users’.
3. Download and email form to
4. When we receive your registration form, we will contact you to confirm the correct fee and arrange invoicing and payment.
5. Once payment has been received, we will issue you a membership number and you will be able to visit and collect materials from the store.
Please note;
1. Members using any of the materials collected from Scrapstore for commercial gain/personal profit will lose their membership.
2. Membership cards can only be used by the named individual and not shared with others.
Returning Members
Members will be sent a renewal notice when their membership renewal fee is due. Once payment is received you will be able to visit to the Scrapstore.
If you have not received or have misplaced your renewal notice or invoice, or if you have any queries, do get in touch.
Annual Fees From 2024