No ifs, no buts, no third runway

Our General Manager joined fellow Londoners at the 'No Third Runway at Heathrow' rally in Parliament Square on Saturday 10th October. - organised by HACAN and the conservative MP for Richmond, Zac Goldsmith. The Scrapstore is an environmental charity, promoting re-use for environmental benefit and we are interested in all green issues, particularly those that may affect the health of Londoners and our local membership base.
All of the London Mayoral candidates, including our very own MP and long-term supporter, Sadiq Khan were there alongside John Sauven the Executive Director of Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and many notable politicians including the shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. Rousing speeches were given and all MPs and representatives there were opposed to a third runway at Heathrow for a variety of reasons:
increased air pollution levels in our capital, when levels in some areas are already above the recommended EU Air Quality Standards
increased air traffic noise for those of us who live under the flight paths
destruction of over 1000 homes and inevitable displacement of family groups and village communities.
Heathrow was chosen by the Airports commission as the best way to increase airport capacity for London and the South East as it predicted that its development would grow the economy and employment significantly by 2050.
You can read the arguments for and against here: