Pop up junk mural: Wandsworth Fringe Festival

We were delighted to be part of the Wandsworth Fringe Festival this year. Our theme for the festival has been not wasting resources - a cause very close to our hearts at the Scrapstore!
Around 100 adults and children from Tooting joined us on 21st May to create a fantastic pop up junk mural using materials sourced from the Scrapstore. No scissors, pens or glue allowed! The inspiration for the mural and artistic direction came from Amanda Callis of Cool It Art. Our community mural was added to by all who came, and represented agriculture, the fruit and vegetable harvest, and the family meal. It was true pop up art and all of the materials used are now back in the Scrapstore for someone elses project. No waste at all - a brilliant lesson in reuse! Be-Enriched ran some fun science experiments about sugar and acid in your food, and we collected some super recipes for (and generated some good discussions around) using up leftover food. Watch this space for our upcoming recipe book!
Huge thanks from us to the staff and children at Smallwood School for letting us use the hall and for making such beautiful art work with us during our outreach activities in advance of the 'big day' (vegetable portraits after Arcimboldo and 'dressed up' fruit and veg). Thank you too to the Cool it Art team - Amanda, Mary, Eloy and Zeena - and not forgetting the Mad Scientists courtesy of Kemi at Be-Enriched.