Twirling in Tooting

Our artist-in-residence, Jayson Singh was delighted to showcase his latest work at the Tooting Twirl on 16th July. The Twirl was a lively event and the weather was kind... Jayson's pedal powered waterlily-zoetrope sculpture went down a treat with children and adults alike. They had great fun turning the pedals of the upside-down bicycle to spin the giant waterlily - and peer inside to watch the flying frogs and wiggly worms in motion. The sculpture was very popular...Jayson was relieved that it stood up to the punishing use!
He is hoping to make improvements to make it even more robust for its next outing.
We are looking forward to your waterlily reincarnated and indeed your next creation Jayson!
Our congratulations to to Transition Town Tooting for running such a lovely event. Here's hoping you run another one next year and that we can get involved again.