WAPS First Open Day
Work and Play's first Saturday Open Day took place on November 28 and it was a huge success!
The day started with our AGM, and it was great to hear about how well the Scrapstore is doing! Thank you to Lucy, Eve, and the rest of our lovely trustees for giving everyone an update!
Once the official business was over, everyone got stuck in, with tours, workshops and interactive demos. Georgia and Amy took charge of our always popular 'Dress-a-Teddy' workshop, with teddies being made by visitors of all ages!
As well as Teddy Bears, Freyja was kept busy giving demos of how to make Christmas rosettes, and Jayson had a steady stream of visitors eager to learn all about the art of rangoli. We were all very impressed with how artistic everyone was!
Everyone had a fantastic day, with a steady stream of visitors coming down and enjoying what the Scrapstore had to offer. It was great to see some of our supportive local Councillors, Rex Osbourn, James Daley, and Charles Lescott, and we hope they'll come again soon!.
Thank you to everyone who came down and made the day so memorable, and a special thank you to the rest of our amazing volunteers - Catherine, Carol, Diane, Rachel, Hansa, Kayla and Teresa - we couldn't have done it without you!