Raining in Richmond

Our Scrapstore volunteers and staff love to get out and about and spread the word about what we do and how much fun we have with volunteering, making and collecting.
On Saturday 13th May, we joined 100s of other charities and good causes at Richmond May Fair on Richmond Green to tell people about us and to fund-raise for the Scrapstore to help us to continue our super outreach activities including workshops at other charities and schools, Hazelfest and other artful reuse events for the local community.

We had a blast and managed to sell lots of stuff in spite of the rain that drenched us all afternoon! Thank goodness for the morning!.. We met lots of lovely people and made some good connections with like-minded organisations.
Thank you so much to all of the volunteers and staff who made the fundraiser a success - with preparing arts and crafts goodies and gorgeous handmade items to sell, manning the stall and turning up to support us on the day - you are all a wonderful bunch!