Reduce, re--use, recycle
Earlier this week Scrapstore demonstrated the benefits and principles of the circular economy by showcasing innovative sustainability projects and products to various stakeholders in the community. Our amazing volunteer makes definitely stole the show: Silvana's leather handbag, Jane's intricately knitted cardigan, Berit's knitted baby hats, Trudy's button map of Britain, Lucy's sample book coat and John's grand crown were just some of the showstoppers made from materials otherwise considered as waste. Part of Circular Economy Week, our event was an afternoon to demonstrate our fabulous green credentials (diverting over 60 tonnes of waste from landfill and incineration each year), as an active participant in this burgeoning, planet-friendly movement. Our thanks as ever to our wonderful volunteers and staff who made it happen and filled the store with stunning examples of re-use, some of which are shown here.
