SHINE on, thanks to Sotheby's!

This week we're thrilled to have a guest blog, all about our Jayson's visit to SHINE.
On Saturday 25th March, our project SHINE at the Gipsy Hill Federation (SHINE at GHF) was delighted to welcome artist Jayson Singh to work with the children.

SHINE at GHF is in its 7th year and provides creative, hands-on learning opportunities that fully explore the curriculum, for up to 60 KS2 children from 4 primary schools in the Gipsy Hill Federation.

Working with visiting artists and professionals and taking the children on trips is an highly prized part of the project.Our aim is to inspire a love of learning and broaden children's horizons. The children worked together, first learning about the cultural origins of Rangoli and its impact on the lives of Hindu believers before creating their own piece of Rangoli art using coloured sand and Rangoli templates. The children experimented with texture and colours, creating a range of powerful effects which they displayed in the school hall.
Thanks to Sotheby's and Work and Play Scrapstore for offering us this wonderful opportunity. Thank you Jayson too for all of your hard work.
Jenny Smith, Project Manager, SHINE @ GHF